The Problem

+80% of client and patient data is buried in case notes.

Health and social services workers are bogged down with unmanageable amounts of records. Our software turns the data buried in those records into actionable insights.
how we help

Automatically highlight impactful indicators and trends.

We use Natural Language Processing – the application of data science to language – to reveal risks, strengths, relationships, and social determinants of health across case or patient notes.
The results

Deliver better care through deeper understanding.

We empower caseworkers and clinicians with the information they need to make impactful decisions, and allow supervisors to maximize quality of care delivered.
June 6, 2019
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.


quality of care

Quality Specialist

Get the complete picture, FASTER


Get the complete picture, FASTER


Optimize Programs & operations


Clients Experience better outcomes
April 6, 2019
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
May 8, 2019
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
June 6, 2019
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
March 7, 2021
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
May 31, 2023
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
July 8, 2023
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her substance abuse on Zoe.
November 6, 2023
Author: J. Mercado
Mrs. Dobson acknowledged her substance abuse and agreed to enroll in a rehab program. Acknowledged the impact of her


Centralize narrative data from case notes, forms, and records.


Identify critical content through AI and natural language processing.


Reveal risks and strengths across case histories.
How it Works

Health and social services professionals are more proactive with Augintel.

Book a Demo
For All Users

Search across case records, instantly.

Our software scans, tags, and catalogues the most important people, events, and actions in your case notes so you can find anything at a moment’s notice.
Search Box
For CLinicians

Review entire case histories in minutes.

Our Case Dashboard gets you up to speed quicker by revealing clinical risks described within notes and mapping the progression of those risks over the life of the case.
For Executives

A bird’s-eye view for all cases, agency-wide.

Supervisors, quality specialists, and executives can now customize a dashboard of key quality indicators and alerts to monitor and intervene based on hard data.
For Supervisors

Deliver measurably better care.

Drill down from organizational quality issues to the individual cases that are causing them. Identify high-performing staff and spread best practices.

For Zoe


For Caseworkers, Clinicians
& Frontline Staff

Spend more time impacting families, and less time digging through data.
Automatically surface relevant risks, strengths, and social determinants.
Respond to situations faster with customizable early warning alerts.
Track the qualitative and quantitative outcomes for clients over time.

For Supervisors
& Executives

Use data to coach and optimize your team’s performance.
Reduce risks with our customizable early warning and alert system.
Automatically monitor quality, compliance, and delivery of care.
Optimize reimbursements, referrals, and eligible services.
You count on Us

Making measurable difference in care.

Our AI-based platform gives staff the tools to maximize the quality of care they deliver and helps your organization be data-driven in achieving your mission.
Book a Demo
minutes to understand a 12 year case summary
minutes saved per case per case worker per week
Better understanding of cases

Technology that helps you be more human.

No technology will ever know how to deliver care better than you do – but it can help you thoroughly understand your cases in a fraction of the time it takes today.
Child Welfare
Disabilities Care
Behavioral Health
Value-based Care
Foster Care
Public Health
Learn More About Us


“I love the way you do things. You are so transparent – you show us the data, and we discuss it every step along the way.”​

- Maryn Formley, KIDS Supervisor Operations Lead, Allegheny County DHS

"I recalled that much earlier in the case, there had been mention of other relatives. But the file was huge. Using Augintel, I quickly found those notes and identified a grandmother. I was able to place the child with the grandmother and avoid that child going to foster care"

- Cristy Bearden, Caseworker

"To be able to quickly scan and access case notes across multiple domains such as health, education, and family engagement has improved our review, training, supervision, and risk mitigation practices"

- Vernon Brown, CEO Aspiranet

"This system is crucial for unknown information, and excellent for investigative research and building a case. Augintel system helps fill in many cracks when building an investigation." -

- County Agency, Manager

"I think the biggest success for me was the medication piece. Looking at medication refills, doctor’s appointments, catching if children are on medication so that the appropriate paperwork is filled out, etc. "

- Compliance Specialist

"Augintel’s ability to complete a comprehensive search in a short amount of time has been very helpful with case management, review of patterns of behaviors, and locating family members associated with cases."

- State Agency, Ongoing Supervisor

I have found it extremely helpful in consults or when I am making referrals and we need to know specific info quick such as past diagnoses or medications. I am still playing around to get the hang of it but I did find a father in the people search that we were not able to previously find so that is great! I was so excited when this launched and using it continues to excite me!

- Ongoing Social Worker, County Agency

“I have used Augintel for outcome enhancement reviews. I can find key information using search instead of making numerous phone calls, eliminating the need for a copious and time-consuming review of notes.”

- DCFS QA- Program Analysis Administrator

"(Augintel) is awesome for family finding. I get a case and they might tell me "I talked to a Grandma months ago" and then I have to search through every case note to find conversations with Grandma. This allows me to do that much faster and I can focus on more important tasks rather than just searching through case notes for hours.”

- State DCFS Caseworker

Blog Posts, Case Studies & News Articles

See how we think about the work.

Our purpose is to build new ways for caseworkers, supervisors, and agencies to put their clients at the center of care. Here’s a look at how we create social service solutions that impact our communities.
Recognizing SDOH through Natural Language Processing by Dr. Kristine McCoy

Recognizing SDOH through Natural Language Processing by Dr. Kristine McCoy

In the third blog of her series, Dr. McCoy looks at how the notes from casual conversations between caretakers and patients can help uncover Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)
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Why wait for SDOH Screening?  By Dr. Kristine McCoy

Why wait for SDOH Screening?  By Dr. Kristine McCoy

In the second blog in her series, Dr. McCoy looks at the ability to uncover DSoH without waiting for formal screening tools.
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EHRA (Electronic Health Records Association) Hits the Nail on the Head by Dr. Kristine McCoy

EHRA (Electronic Health Records Association) Hits the Nail on the Head by Dr. Kristine McCoy

Dr Kristine McCoy shares her insights on EHRA's newest white paper on capturing social determinants of health (SDoH)
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Caseworker Safety Alerts; Technology That Supports Practice

Caseworker Safety Alerts; Technology That Supports Practice

Caseworker safety alerts provide staff more than just a "heads up"
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National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

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Differentiating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Predictive Analytics

Differentiating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Predictive Analytics

In the first of a series of blogs that look at artificial intelligence (AI) in health and human services, Augintel data scientist, Gus Carlock examines the differences between predictive analytics and NLP
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Supporting the Workforce Development Framework with NLP

Supporting the Workforce Development Framework with NLP

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Families don't fit in boxes

Families don't fit in boxes

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The emphasis on change at the APHSA National Summit

The emphasis on change at the APHSA National Summit

The theme at the APHSA was "now is the time" for innovation and change.
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Flipping the Script on CCWIS A different approach to CCWIS and Tech Modernization

Flipping the Script on CCWIS A different approach to CCWIS and Tech Modernization

Our friend Carole Hussey, CEO Evolv Strategies and longtime child welfare technology expert looks at a different approach to CCWIS
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HIMSS '22 Reflections

HIMSS '22 Reflections

Our team attended HIMSS '22 which included attending many informative sessions, visits to the exhibit floor and countless great conversations.
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AI for Child Welfare

AI for Child Welfare

The increased focus on the Natural Language Processing capabilities of AI mean that companies are investing in developing NLP solutions. Nowhere is that more important than child welfare.
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Hear what our customers have to say

"(Augintel) is awesome for family finding. I get a case and they might tell me "I talked to a Grandma months ago" and then I have to search through every case note to find conversations with Grandma. This allows me to do that much faster and I can focus on more important tasks rather than just searching through case notes for hours.”

- State DCFS Caseworker

“I have used Augintel for outcome enhancement reviews. I can find key information using search instead of making numerous phone calls, eliminating the need for a copious and time-consuming review of notes.”

- DCFS QA- Program Analysis Administrator

I have found it extremely helpful in consults or when I am making referrals and we need to know specific info quick such as past diagnoses or medications. I am still playing around to get the hang of it but I did find a father in the people search that we were not able to previously find so that is great! I was so excited when this launched and using it continues to excite me!

- Ongoing Social Worker, County Agency

"Augintel’s ability to complete a comprehensive search in a short amount of time has been very helpful with case management, review of patterns of behaviors, and locating family members associated with cases."

- State Agency, Ongoing Supervisor

"I think the biggest success for me was the medication piece. Looking at medication refills, doctor’s appointments, catching if children are on medication so that the appropriate paperwork is filled out, etc. "

- Compliance Specialist

"This system is crucial for unknown information, and excellent for investigative research and building a case. Augintel system helps fill in many cracks when building an investigation." -

- County Agency, Manager

"To be able to quickly scan and access case notes across multiple domains such as health, education, and family engagement has improved our review, training, supervision, and risk mitigation practices"

- Vernon Brown, CEO Aspiranet

"I recalled that much earlier in the case, there had been mention of other relatives. But the file was huge. Using Augintel, I quickly found those notes and identified a grandmother. I was able to place the child with the grandmother and avoid that child going to foster care"

- Cristy Bearden, Caseworker

“I love the way you do things. You are so transparent – you show us the data, and we discuss it every step along the way.”​

- Maryn Formley, KIDS Supervisor Operations Lead, Allegheny County DHS

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